Sunday, November 20, 2011

What is the best tanning lotion to get a base tan?

Any swedish beauty or Australian Gold product with a bronzer. Australian Gold "Confessions" is a great tanning lotion to start with but in the store you'll pay $70.00 for it (the website at the bottom of this is a wholesale tanning lotion site). The bronzer will give you good color faster. If you are light skinned make sure you don't spend more than a few minutes in the sun while wearing a lotion that doesn't have an SPF factor. If you are not naturally pale then it is safe to spend a little bit longer in the sun initially while building your base.

I live 3 miles from the ocean and surf regularly. I am therefore tan all the time. Being that I have a tan I use straight Johnson and Johnson baby oil when I head out there. It moisturizes and greatly intensifies the suns rays.

The lotion I mentioned above ($70 in the salon) is only $35 on this site... I've used the site before and am not affiliated with them in any way.

Good luck.

What is the best tanning lotion to get a base tan?
try jet set tan

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